1. How is fighting an enemy with predator drones different from fighting hand-to-hand combat? How is it similar?
>fighting with predator drones are different from fighting hand-to-hand combat because fighting predator drones is just using your hands and is behind a machine or remote control , its different from being there with a gun in hand and the fear of getting injured or killed because that is what fighting hand-to-hand combat is. this two are similar because they both have to deal with war , and both people need good skills to be able to do each action.
2. Is fair to fight with predator drones when your enemy doesn’t have that technology?
>it is not fair because you have more of a chance to win , the technology is behind a machine or a remote control which mean that the only way your enemy can get to you is by destroying your technology which is impossible because their technology is not as good as yours.
3. Would you be interested in flying predator drones for the military? Why or why not?
> i would be interested because i like that kind of stuff and my family and loved ones won't be as much worry as hand-to-hand combat because i would not be getting hurt as much or maybe not at all because i'm at war behind something using technology to kill which is un-fair but so what , you're getting paid.
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