? ??????????????Punk Collage? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (486 Ratings)??23413 Grabs Today. 134729 Total Grabs
. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????25?? ?????Love Is Strange? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (49 Ratings)??22101 Grabs Today. 75793 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

i lovee my brotherss x33 !

waitingg for the resultss!!

im here waiting for the water results . i have to wait 48 hrs. and its killingg meee !! im dying to kno the resultt lol nah im jk im just excited to see if tap water has bacteria

Monday, December 21, 2009


water check!??

well i'm checking tap water for bacteria. and my hypothesis ((wow what a big word )) which means a prediction is that it will only have a little bit of bacteria not a lot of it because they clean it out.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 thingss that happened this year

1. i almost died because i almost tripped down the stairs.

2. i fell down the stairs.
3. when me and my oldest bigger brother was boxing he upper cut me and after he did that i beat him up.
4. i spent time with my niece and she's almost walking.
5. me and my brothers were fighting in court and we almost got arrested.
6. i've been through ALOT .
7. every day last semester i had detention.
8. i've been through UPS && DOWNS .
9. lOst people and new people came into my life.
10. i discovered a new soda Pep-dew ((pepsi and mountain dew)) fiRst inventedd byy thee best 2009.

Monday, December 14, 2009

team edward or team jacob????

team edward or team jacob????? werewolf or vampire???? cold or hot??????

My life

This is my niece and i love her x3. She's is super funny and growing up so fast. I'm just happy i get to see her grow up and able to make memories with her. She's awesome and that's why i love her so much. Every had someone that you loved so much? Comment niCe && neat. thanks.<{{02.04.09}} BeSt dAy EveR x33 lOl {{ ii <3 you Lialani Christine Sim }}

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


ariesrammar 21 - apr 19
taurusbullapr 20 - may 20
geminitwinsmay 21 - june 21
cancercrabjune 22 - july 22
leolionjuly 23 - aug 22
virgovirginaug 23 - sept 22
librabalancesept 23 - oct 23
scorpioscorpionoct 24 - nov 21
sagittariusarchernov 22 - dec 21
capricorngoatdec 22 - jan 19
aquariuswater bearerjan 20 - feb 18
piscesfishesfeb 19 - mar 20

If you want to see your horoscopes let me know. I think that horoscopes are not always true because you the only one that can make your future become what it is, but horoscopes are always fun to read and enjoyable to look forward to.

myy convo. wiff an alien

Alien: Hello Earthling. Thank you for conversing with me.

Me: Welcome , its no problem.

Alien: May I ask you a few questions?

Me: Ofcourse!

Alien: I have never been to earth before, can you tell me a little bit about it? What are some beautiful and interesting places I should visit?

You: well, our planet is okay not awesome because there's some ups and downs that happen here , but some places are great and some not.

You: What is your planet like?

Alien: It's different from your planet. we have all kinds of aliens roaming the place.

Alien: You humans seem like you’re very angry with eachother. I watched people walk down the street and most people didn’t even look at eachother! Why is that?

Me:because some people keep themselves to themselves lol but its probably because they don't know one another.

Me: What’s it like on your planet when you walk around?

Alien:We walk on a weird looking planet thats the opposite of the earth.

Alien: Why does your home country go to war with other countries?

Me:Because people don't know how to make peace

Alien: It seems to me that what you call “marshmallows” are the best thing to eat on your planet. Why do you not eat these every day?

You:because it's full with lots of sugar and lot of sugar is bad for you.

You: What do you eat on your planet?

Alien:we eat other aliens.

Alien: It seems to me that you do not treat earth very well. I see people throwing their trash on the ground, cutting down forests, and burning dirty coal to make electricity. Why do humans not care about earth? Is anyone doing anything about it?

You:well some people are but the only way for the earth to be better is to have everyone help the planet not just one or two we need more people.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

emO lOvee