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Monday, December 15, 2008


Twilight the movie n the book are both awesome. Taylor known as Jacob black is so cute so great in the movie and book. Stephenie Meyer is such a good author. She Makes the book so interesting and so realistic. Bella in the book is a good character as well, i like her because she is clumsy and i feel like i have a connection with her because we're both Virgos and both have a lot of things in common. And Edward in the book is suppose to be the perfect vampire in the world but i guess in the movie they couldn't find a person to play him, i like Edward Cullen because he is a vampire. Like i said before both the movie and book are awesome , I really recommend them.


ecolon188 said...

i like how u used alot of detail and how u rote y u like them and how they r like u

mbetances188 said...

dear dez,

i saw the movie twight light and i think thats it's a good movie. i also think that edward is cute to.