? ??????????????Punk Collage? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (486 Ratings)??23413 Grabs Today. 134729 Total Grabs
. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????25?? ?????Love Is Strange? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (49 Ratings)??22101 Grabs Today. 75793 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

mha bub

<< oh yup that's my bub ; btw our names are uniquee yuh already kno we got that name because from the very beggining we were buddies and she wrote buddies like bub lmaoo so we just stood wit iht. it always means everything together like wifey , ride or die, bestie and everything lols. we tell each other everything even though it be embrassing buh i love her od . <3

Monday, February 22, 2010

My ride or die chick ; me and her together =trouble .

lmfao00 me and ha be having the only insiders ; and she be trying to steal my nickname how yuh do that .? lmfsao buh i love her od no gass and miss her x3 .


smhh aht headss_ limitingg my mainss x3 .

lmaoo i love my gOoniess x3 till we diee .
fOrevaa staccinqq ; alwayss maccinqq ; dese THE bOsS dayss :]
..> knOck knOCk BANG BANG where the cash aht.?
..>dont come around and try to gass me ^ i like running on E , ahh.!
..> i only f**ks wit bad itchess nO hOMO
..> i been around the world and i still cant find another girl that can still my shine.
..>you goiinqq too be bitinq ya lip
lmaoo ^ above is just madd randomm x]

addiCtiOn :

there you go mr.lahana ! >:-0

1. Do you think it’s possible to be addicted to the Internet? Why or why not?
i think it is possible to be addicted to the internet, because their is some people that use it 24/7 and can not stop for anything. for example, in the video about south korea it says that some people even die because they played for so long that they had little food and water which was the cause of their death.

2. What happens in treatment centers for Internet addiction in South Korea?
what happens in the treatment centers for internet addiction in south korea is that the doctors treat the addiction like a psychiatric disorder , so in order to help the kids with this addiction they opened internet rescue camps around the country. they also took the cell phones from students, and also help by having a student conciling session.

3. What is a difference between american culture and south korean .?
the difference is that in american culture , americans have computers at home to use whenever they feel they want to, but in south korea they have a place where they can go to use computers. and idk what else .
4. Make up a list called “5 ways to tell that you’re addicted to the Internet”.
1) using it daily
2)not knowing when to stop
3)when you don't have time to do other things like your studies
4) when your grades go down because of your addiction
5) when your mom starts crying because she knows you can't stop and it's affected you.
PART 2 ;
Why do you think people become addicted to gaming.?
i think people become addicted to gaming because it's an escape from the world and they can do things they can't do in real life in the game. or maybe they have nothing else better to do an the game is just too good . ! , and also someone can get addicted to gaming when they don't have anything to do during their freetime besides play a game.
5 ways to know your addicted to gaming:
1) you cant stop
2) you do nothing else but that
3)when the doctor says there is something wrong with you
4)when your mom says she feels like she can lose you because of your addiction
5)when you know the game like the back of your hand

my diary xD


Diiss be Msz.hOllywOod banging an cominqq thro for diiss crazy qirl des well waht kan i say bout her she kool funny smart sometimes could be a b*** lmaoo soo if anybody see deff then oh well to bad im off thiiss yess me nd des are lover's/diary/my sweety lolss>>>yeah that's my dairy and i'm herss . we been through our ^ and downss perro' thats what makess us even more close. iLh Odee 10.13.09

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

mee andd sabrinaaa

diss mhaa ridee Or dieee bestiee x3. StAy tunedd for Othaa picss oF mhaa goonss.! cOmiinqq sOon x3. :] . She'S madd brazii ; likee thatss y we get alOngg duhh.! till uss goOns diee i lOve yuhh sabrinaa cOlon x3 cOn toDo mee cOrazOn .


Monday, February 8, 2010

mha life x3

happy birthday lailani christine sim .!

a year ago on february 4 2009 , was the best day of my life when she ((my neice)) was born.
she's a year old .! she's toO smart for her age , she walks, talks, eats, dances, and etc. she reminds me of one of my favorite thingss .. cOokie mOnster ., because she lOvess coOkies.! and ii lOve her x3.

mha inventiOn . x3

OmG mha invention iS a grab and gO fOod remOtee.
abOve is a small remOte that you press buttOns of what you want to eat and you press it toward a table and 1 2 3 it appearss.! omg ! this is sO cOol , sayy if you outside kicking people and you have this grumble in ur tummy , dig in your pocket and bangg ... a food remote that you press to get food in an instant ,, nah lOls thats not the name itS called ... _fOOd remOte_.! sO cool just $9.95. cOmment if you like.?? andd quess waht..? you can download all the foods you want on ur pc for FREE . and buy nOw you get one fOr free .! ((8p))

Monday, February 1, 2010


that'ss disgustiinqq x33. ((( throww up ))) lmao0 inny wit StaCey a.k.a bUb andd AliCiaa a.k.a miSz. hOllywOodd x3 Yuccky UGH. lml x( wOwerSss